
SPA Treatments

09 May '24
10 May '24
Picture of sand
Henna brwi lub rzęs
Price: 30 Złoty
Henne eye brow and eye lash tinting with regulation
Price: 60 Złoty
Regulacja brwi
Price: 20 Złoty
Price: 300 Złoty
Price: 400 Złoty
Price: 500 Złoty
Price: 300 Złoty
Price: 400 Złoty
Price: 500 Złoty
Price: 450 Złoty
Price: 600 Złoty
Price: 400 Złoty
Price: 500 Złoty
Price: 600 Złoty
Lash lifting
Price: 150 Złoty
Price: 80 Złoty
Henna eye brow with regulation
Price: 40 Złoty
Zabiegi na twarz KLAPP
Zabiegi na twarz KLAPP
Price: 300 Złoty
Price: 300 Złoty
Price: 200 Złoty
Price: 320 Złoty

Innowacyjny zabieg ze złotą maską bogatą w ekstrakt z szampana i pereł. Zapewnia kompleksowe działanie anti-aging, pozostawiając skórę zdetoksykowaną i intensywnie nawilżoną. Zmarszczki i linie stają się mniej widoczne, a twarz wygląda świeżo i promiennie. Dzięki zawartości odpowiednich składników, opóźnia się proces starzenia skóry, przyspiesza odnowa komórek oraz zatrzymuje się pojawianie plam starczych poprzez detoks oksydacyjny.

Price: 320 Złoty

Zabieg dostarcza skórze znaczną ilość czystej witaminy C. Poprzez preparaty kosmetyczne otwiera możliwość podjęcia walki z działaniem zanieczyszczonego środowiska i promieniowania słonecznego na warstwę naskórka oraz błony komórkowe. Kwas askorbinowy przynosi spektakularne efekty w profilaktyce i zwalczaniu oznak starzenia się cery. Witamina C działa nawilżająco, uszczelnia naczynia krwionośne, ujednolica zmiany barwnikowe oraz działa dezaktywująco na bakterie trądzikowe. Stymulacja biosyntezy kolagenowej pozwala skórze wyglądać gładko, delikatnie i młodo.

Price: 300 Złoty

Innowacyjna linia pielęgnacyjna, która łączy w swojej recepturze delikatną energię substancji aktywnych z ekskluzywnością stosowanych preparatów. Skóra sucha, zestresowana, dojrzała – wymagająca regeneracji znajdzie w zabiegu kawiorowym sojusznika w walce o wydobycie z niej blasku i naturalnego piękna. Ekstrakt z kawioru uruchamia funkcje regenerujące. Naturalne bio-peptydy wspomagają wymianę komórek, panthenol, kwas hialuronowy, ekstrat z hydrolitów wpływają pozytywnie na gospodarkę wodną skóry.

Price: 230 Złoty

+ peeling kawitacyjny 20 zł

Zabieg dedykowany dla skóry wrażliwej w każdym wieku, łuszczącej się i szorstkiej. Zabieg pielęgnacyjny wzmacniający funkcje obronne skóry. Składniki aktywne zawarte w kosmetykach skierowane są na wzmocnienie i uelastycznienie ścian naczyń krwionośnych oraz złagodzenie rumienia. Preparaty spowalniają aktywność wolnych rodników i zabezpieczają skórę przed promieniowaniem UV, zapobiegają uszkodzeniom skóry oraz wpierają jej regenerację, przeciwdziałając przy tym jej przedwczesnemu starzeniu się.

- demakijaż, peeling enzymatyczny z masażem twarzy, ampułka, maska, krem

Price: 230 Złoty

Zabieg dedykowany dla skóry dojrzałej, zmęczonej, zniszczonej z widocznymi zmarszczkami. Zabieg o działaniu regenerująco-stymulującym na twarz, szyję i dekolt w walce ze skutkami upływającego czasu. Najwyższe możliwe w kosmetyce stężenie witaminy A wpływa na syntezę kolagenu, działalność enzymów oraz wykazuje korzystny wpływ na mechanizmy naprawcze skóry. Efektem tego zabiegu jest skóra, która w widoczny sposób nabiera elastyczności i świeżości. 


Price: 200 Złoty

Zabieg dedykowany dla skóry wrażliwej, alergicznej, podrażnionej. Zabieg przeznaczony dla osób z cerą nadwrażliwą i alergiczną, u których został przekroczony próg tolerancji skóry na czynniki zewnętrzne. Beta Glukan – podstawowy składnik preparatów pobudza system obronny skóry blokując pogłębianie się zmian zachodzących w procesie rozwijającej się alergii. Hamuje wpływ alergenów na komórki skóry. Przywraca utraconą równowagę skóry, koi, pozostawia ochronny film na naskórku. Ponadto chroni skórę przed uszkodzeniami i promieniami UV. Produkty stosowane podczas zabiegu pozbawione są potencjalnych alergenów: emulgatorów, chemicznych konserwantów, sztucznych barwników, substancji zapachowych.

Price: 240 Złoty

Zabieg dedykowany dla skóry szarej i zmęczonej, słabo nawilżonej z utratą elastyczności. Bakterie probiotyczne i enzymy obecne w peelingu niszczą spoistość złuszczających się komórek dzięki czemu skóra ulega szybkiej odnowie. Proces ten wspomagany jest specjalną techniką masażu, którego działanie dodatkowo poprawia kondycję mięśni twarzy, szyi i dekoltu jednocześnie pobudzając mikrokrążenie i usprawniając przepływ limfy. Aplikowane po masażu preparaty pobudzają syntezę kolagenu i elastyny oraz napinają skórę a kwas hialuronowy pozostawia długotrwały efekt nawilżenia.

Price: 250 Złoty

Urządzenie firmy KLAPP Cosmetics do mezoterapii bezigłowej, które pozwala wprowadzić w skórę substancje aktywne na odpowiednią głębokość. Podczas zabiegu używana jest wraz z jednym z sześciu wysoko skoncentrowanych CLINICAL CARE SERUM. Wykorzystanie zjawiska mezoporacji i elektroosmozy co umożliwia dostarczenie do skóry aż 6 ml serum podczas jednego zabiegu oraz fizykalną stymulację skóry.



Peeling rokitnikowy
Time: 30 Minute
Price: 150 Złoty

Sea buckthorn peeling contains particles of salt and cranberry seeds that perfectly cleanse the skin, leaving it soft and smooth. Regular use of sea buckthorn peeling accelerates and stimulates the burning of fat tissue, and has a draining and modeling effect. Supports anti-cellulite and slimming treatment. The vitamin E content in the oil has a rejuvenating and nourishing effect.

Peeling detoksykacyjny
Time: 30 Minute
Price: 150 Złoty

Detoxifying salt body peeling is intended especially for tired skin, lacking energy, requiring revitalization and improved hydration. Salt crystals and algae particles effectively exfoliate calloused epidermis. Extracts of marine origin will protect and take care of your skin, and vitamin E contained in the peeling will have a strong anti-aging effect.

Masaże z różnych stron świata
Masaże z różnych stron świata
Time: 80 Minute
Price: 319 Złoty

Kobido massage aims to stimulate skin microcirculation, which contributes to improving the condition of the skin, including elasticity and firmness, reducing wrinkles, improving color and reducing swelling. This treatment can also help reduce muscle tension, improve skin metabolism and an overall feeling of relaxation.

Time: 90 Minute
Price: 359 Złoty

Ayurveda literally means the ‘knowledge of life’. Regular ayurvedic full body massage (Abyanga) stimulates metabolism, detoxifies, relaxes and rejuvenates. The numerous positive effects include reducing muscle and joint pain, cleansing the skin and improving the complexion, strengthening the body. It prevents fatigue and sleep disorders. Ayurvedic treatments strengthen the body, mind and soul holistically and support problems such as back pain, headache and chronic fatigue. Ayurveda helps maintain or restore the balance of life energy in the body.

hands and feet treatments
hands and feet treatments
Price: 70 Złoty
Manicure with nail painting
Price: 80 Złoty
Manicure SPA
Price: 120 Złoty

manicure without varnishing, peeling, mask, paraffin

Manicure with removal of hybrid polish
Price: 90 Złoty
Manicure with painting with removal of hybrid polish
Price: 100 Złoty
Cosmetic pedicure with hybrid polish removal
Price: 150 Złoty
Cosmetic pedicure with vanishing ans with removal of hybrid varnish
Price: 160 Złoty
Paraffin wax treatment applied on hands or feet
Price: 70 Złoty
Manicure hybrydowy
Price: 110 Złoty
Manicure hybrydowy stóp
Price: 110 Złoty
Cosmetic pedicure
Price: 130 Złoty
Cosmetic pedicure with varnishing
Price: 140 Złoty
Cosmetic pedicure + hybrid varnishing
Price: 170 Złoty
SPA pedicure
Price: 170 Złoty

pedicure without painting, peeling, mask, paraffin

Masaż na maśle Shea z rokitnikiem
Time: 50 Minute
Price: 230 Złoty

A relaxing massage based on nourishing and aromatherapeutic Shea butter with the addition of sea buckthorn oil wonderfully relaxes tense muscles, nourishes the skin thanks to the high content of active ingredients, and the aroma of verbena gives a subtle scent. The massage has an aromatherapeutic effect, which increases the feeling of relaxation, restoring balance to the body and soul.

Drenaż pneumatyczny BOA
Time: 30 Minute
Price: 110 Złoty

Mechanical lymphatic drainage, also called pneumatic sequential massage, is a type of pressure massage whose main goal is to stimulate lymph circulation, which is responsible for removing unnecessary metabolic products and toxins from cells.

Masaż na oleju z rokitnika - masaż częściowy
Time: 30 Minute
Price: 125 Złoty

A relaxing massage with sea buckthorn oil wonderfully relaxes tense muscles, nourishes the skin thanks to the high content of active ingredients, the aroma of verbena gives a subtle scent, and the natural reddish color of the oil gives the skin a beautiful, golden color. The massage has an aromatherapeutic effect, which intensifies the feeling of relaxation, restoring the balance of the body and soul.

Masaż na oleju z rokitnika - masaż całościowy
Time: 50 Minute
Price: 195 Złoty

A relaxing massage with sea buckthorn oil wonderfully relaxes tense muscles, nourishes the skin thanks to the high content of active ingredients, the aroma of verbena gives a subtle scent, and the natural reddish color of the oil gives the skin a beautiful, golden color. The massage has an aromatherapeutic effect, which intensifies the feeling of relaxation, restoring the balance of the body and soul.

Classic Massage - Partial massage
Time: 30 Minute
Price: 125 Złoty

This is the oldest body massage. Properly selected massage techniques relax your muscles, skin and subcutaneous tissues and increase blood flow in the treated area, which reduces pain. The effect of muscle relaxation leads also to psychophysical relaxation.

Classic Massage - Full massage
Time: 50 Minute
Price: 175 Złoty

This is the oldest body massage. Properly selected massage techniques relax your muscles, skin and subcutaneous tissues and increase blood flow in the treated area, which reduces pain. The effect of muscle relaxation leads also to psychophysical relaxation.

Hot Stone Massage - Partial massage
Time: 30 Minute
Price: 150 Złoty

This massage technique is based on the theory of energy flow through the body. As a result, blood circulation, nourishment and skin firmness improve. The massage has calming and relaxing effects, reduces symptoms of stress. Performed with basalt stones.

Hot Stone Massage - Total massage
Time: 60 Minute
Price: 210 Złoty

This massage technique is based on the theory of energy flow through the body. As a result, blood circulation, nourishment and skin firmness improve. The massage has calming and relaxing effects, reduces symptoms of stress. Performed with basalt stones.

Candle Massage - Partial massage
Time: 30 Minute
Price: 150 Złoty

Candle massage uniquely combines many massage techniques with aromatherapy and body care using a fine blend of butters and natural oils. It is very pleasant, gives unforgettable experiences and balances your body and spirit. The main purpose of candle massage is to remove muscle tensions, restore psychophysical balance, improve the locomotor system, and provide full relaxation.

Candle Massage - Total massage
Time: 50 Minute
Price: 210 Złoty

Candle massage uniquely combines many massage techniques with aromatherapy and body care using a fine blend of butters and natural oils. It is very pleasant, gives unforgettable experiences and balances your body and spirit. The main purpose of candle massage is to remove muscle tensions, restore psychophysical balance, improve the locomotor system, and provide full relaxation.

Lymphatic Drainage
Time: 40 Minute
Price: 150 Złoty

Lymph circulation is improved with the hands of a masseur. This way you prevent diseases that result from congestive, inflammatory, oncotic and lymphocytic oedemata. The massage is performed very slowly and the used techniques are smooth and delicate. You can have these treatments even several times a day. It is a supportive treatment for mastectomy or lymphocytic edema.

Foot Massage with a Massager
Time: 10 Minute
Price: 20 Złoty

Foot massage gives relief and soothes after an entire day. It quickly improves our well-being. Foot massage is performed with a special massager with bristles. As they vibrate, the bristles effectively massage and relax out feet.

Medy Jet Water Bed Massage
Time: 15 Minute
Price: 35 Złoty

Medy Jet massage is a real relaxation oasis. Dry water massage uses the therapeutic benefits of hydrostatic pressure. Medy Jet massage is a source of relaxation that everybody needs. It combines three elements: force, warmth and water. It gives exceptional effects by removing tension, exhaustion and stress.

Aroma massage with Shea butter - Partial massage
Time: 30 Minute
Price: 150 Złoty

Relaxing massage on the basis of the nutritious and aroma-therapist balm made of Shea butter. Strongly moisturizing procedure assures that the skin becomes ideally smooth and elastic. The treatment relaxes extensively tensed muscles and introduces in the condition of deep relaxation. For the masses, we use mixtures of etheric oils dissolved in natural plant oils, depending on their selection the massage may have different effect.

Aroma massage with Shea butter - Total massage
Time: 50 Minute
Price: 210 Złoty

Relaxing massage on the basis of the nutritious and aroma-therapist balm made of Shea butter. Strongly moisturizing procedure assures that the skin becomes ideally smooth and elastic. The treatment relaxes extensively tensed muscles and introduces in the condition of deep relaxation. For the masses, we use mixtures of etheric oils dissolved in natural plant oils, depending on their selection the massage may have different effect.

Aroma-therapist massage with hot oil - Partial massage
Time: 30 Minute
Price: 135 Złoty

The conbination of techniques of relaxation massage and aromatherapy, one of the most pleasant methods of relaxation. A hot oil, used during the treatment helps to relax the muscular tension and additionally to achieve a condition of deep relaxation.

Aroma-therapist massage with hot oil - Total massage
Time: 50 Minute
Price: 180 Złoty

The conbination of techniques of relaxation massage and aromatherapy, one of the most pleasant methods of relaxation. A hot oil, used during the treatment helps to relax the muscular tension and additionally to achieve a condition of deep relaxation.

Massage with herbal stamps
Time: 50 Minute
Price: 280 Złoty

The massage is performed by means of especially selected mixture of herbs wrapped in cotton, then heated and applied tot he body by means of massage. The massage with stamps eliminates pain, tension of muscles, removes toxins and excites the organism for regeneration, the flagrant emitted from the stamp relaxes body and mind. The massage with hot herbal stamps will be a pleasure for the over-tired persons, overworked living in constant stress. Due to the action of the treatment substances contained therein, the massage helps to reduce cellulite or lose weight, as the treatment accelerates metabolism. It is also recommended as the manner to strengthen immunity and skin nutrition.

Chinese buble massage
Time: 30 Minute
Price: 150 Złoty

The massage with a rubber Chinese bubble brings wonderful results in fighting with cellulite, due to the draining properties, strong hyperemia which is caused during the massage, excites the blood circulation, to improve the liquidation of toxins from the body, makes the skin elastic and firm which allows to avoid the problem of flabby skin during slimming processes, accelerates metabolism followed by fat burn, at the same time perfectly reduced muscle tension.

Massage with chocolate - Partial massage
Time: 30 Minute
Price: 150 Złoty

Massage with chocolatte is a great method for stress, lowered mood, over-tiredness, tension and spine pains, muscles and joints. It has a painkilling action, relaxing but also calms down and relaxes deeply. The treatment allows not only for obtaining positive effects on the body but also brings psychical calmness. Hot chocolate makes the skin firm and revitalizes skin, chocolate massage has a nutritious, softening and relaxing effect.

Massage with chocolate - Total massage
Time: 50 Minute
Price: 210 Złoty

Massage with chocolatte is a great method for stress, lowered mood, over-tiredness, tension and spine pains, muscles and joints. It has a painkilling action, relaxing but also calms down and relaxes deeply. The treatment allows not only for obtaining positive effects on the body but also brings psychical calmness. Hot chocolate makes the skin firm and revitalizes skin, chocolate massage has a nutritious, softening and relaxing effect.

Regenerating massage FOR MAN - Partial massage
Time: 30 Minute
Price: 150 Złoty

Regenrating-relaxing massage brings into the condition of relax for body and mind. A direct effect of massage is liquidation of muscular-nervous tension as well as relax and regeneration of muscles with butter and taste of colognes smells we used pleasant etheric oils which support the relaxation process. The warmth of shells we appreciate due to the exceptional combination of sea algae and natural minerals with crystal water, salt and essential oils.

Regenerating massage FOR MAN - Total massage
Time: 50 Minute
Price: 210 Złoty

Regenrating-relaxing massage brings into the condition of relax for body and mind. A direct effect of massage is liquidation of muscular-nervous tension as well as relax and regeneration of muscles with butter and taste of colognes smells we used pleasant etheric oils which support the relaxation process. The warmth of shells we appreciate due to the exceptional combination of sea algae and natural minerals with crystal water, salt and essential oils.

Foot Acupressure
Time: 30 Minute
Price: 99 Złoty

The acupressure treatment of the feet consists in oppression of particularly sensitive areas on the feet, it will help quickly get rid of troublesome ailments and regain a feeling of well-being. Heals migraine headaches, improves the functioning of the digestive system, strengthens immunity. It allows to get rid of puffiness and edema, reduces rheumatic pains, relieves stress and relaxes.

Foot Acupressure
Time: 60 Minute
Price: 145 Złoty

The acupressure treatment of the feet consists in oppression of particularly sensitive areas on the feet, it will help quickly get rid of troublesome ailments and regain a feeling of well-being. Heals migraine headaches, improves the functioning of the digestive system, strengthens immunity. It allows to get rid of puffiness and edema, reduces rheumatic pains, relieves stress and relaxes.

Foot massage
Time: 20 Minute
Price: 69 Złoty

The massage stimulates the areas on fees corresponding to the particular areas of the body. While massaging or pressing defines points one may affect a specific organ. The purpose is to ublock the zones of energy flow of the whole body as well as liquidation of pain and tensions located in particular areas and organs.

Foot massage
Time: 40 Minute
Price: 129 Złoty

The massage stimulates the areas on fees corresponding to the particular areas of the body. While massaging or pressing defines points one may affect a specific organ. The purpose is to ublock the zones of energy flow of the whole body as well as liquidation of pain and tensions located in particular areas and organs.

Curative treatments
Curative treatments
Kinesio Taping
Time: 10 Minute
Price: 65 Złoty

Kinesio Taping stimulates the skin (mainly pain receptors, receptors of proprioceptive sensation), muscles, joints and the lymphatic system. The basic physiological functions of Kinesio Taping are: to reduce pain and sensory over-responsivity of the skin and muscles, to correct the position of joints and reduce lymphatic swelling. The general use of Kinesio Taping: regulates blood circulation, reduces tissue retention, eliminates inflammation, reduces muscle fatigue, improves the movement range, reduces excessive muscle tension and pain sensation. Kinesio Taping helps pregnant women fight lumbosacral spine pains and leg lymphatic swellings.

Time: 25 Minute
Price: 65 Złoty

Waxing of ears is a procedure of natural medicine the purpose of which is to remove lingering wax in ears and cleaning up the sinuses. Waxing not only cleans but also treats many diseases. The procedure helps for migraines, stress, disorders of metabolism, problems with menopause and drop of immunity. Ear waxing is performed by emans of special, manually performed candles, called konchy hopi.

Okłady borowinowe
Time: 15 Minute
Price: 35 Złoty
The compresses work great in the case of diseases of the musculoskeletal system - degeneration of joints and articular cartilage, spine pain. They are irreplaceable in injuries. They can be used for chronic conditions, but not acute ones! They can regulate the menstrual cycle and troublesome symptoms of menopause.
Krioterapia miejscowa
Time: 4 Minutes
Price: 25 Złoty

Its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling effect is used. Most often, cryotherapy supports physiotherapeutic treatment of conditions following muscle and joint injuries, degenerative diseases, spine pain syndromes, inflammations and joint overloads.

Time: 5 Minute
Price: 25 Złoty

Ultrasound therapy can alleviate, and sometimes even completely eliminate, troublesome symptoms, which is why it is recommended in the case of: rheumatic diseases, degenerative diseases of the spine and joints, post-traumatic conditions or the treatment of lymphedema.

Time: 10 Minute
Price: 20 Złoty

Electrotherapy is a treatment that provides relief from pain and inflammation. They also stimulate the deeper layers of tissues and muscles, improve their blood supply and, consequently, their nutrition, thus leading to their faster regeneration.

Time: 6 Minute
Price: 25 Złoty

As one of the fields of physiotherapy, laser therapy stimulates the healing processes of the musculoskeletal system. The laser has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-swelling properties, supports healing and stimulates microcirculation.

Sollux lampa
Time: 10 Minute
Price: 20 Złoty

During exposure to the lamp, the tissues become deeply overheated, thus activating the processes of tissue hyperemia in the diseased areas. Radiation heating results in local improvement of blood circulation and stimulation of metabolic processes.

Time: 15 Minute
Price: 25 Złoty

The magnetic field affecting the body accelerates the development of connective tissue and the production of bone scar. It causes greater absorption of oxygen by the tissues. It has anti-swelling and anti-inflammatory properties and also relieves pain.

Time: 12 Minute
Price: 25 Złoty

During Viofor treatments, peripheral circulation improves. By improving the transport of oxygen and nutrients, the body's cells are better nourished and oxygenated and fight inflammation or pain more effectively.

Kinesitherapy/ relaxation
Kinesitherapy/ relaxation
Salt cavern
Time: 40 Minute
Price: 35 Złoty

Salt cavern uses beneficial properties of salt. Clean air, ionized due to salt, relaxes and supports treatment of many diseases – asthma, sinuses inflammation, hypothyroidism, diseases of nervous system. In microclimate of the salt cavern so beneficial elements release for the well-being and health of a human being as well as proper functioning of the internal organs as iodium, calcium, iron and magnesium, potassium, bromine, selenium, which affects especially for the appearance and the skin condition as well as copper, which has anti-fungi properties. The visits in salt cavern deliver to the organism materials necessary for the proper course of internal processes and stimulate them due to which they indirectly support the process of losing weight and strengthen immunity. Except for inhalations, the stay in salt cavern allows for relax.

Sunny Meadow
Time: 15 Minute
Price: 35 Złoty

Sunny Meadow it’s comfortable tanning in skin-friendly conditions. In contrast to the classic solar plant, Sunny Meadow does not expose side effects associated with intense body exposure to UV rays. This is the safest way to get a nice and lasting tan, similar to the conditions of tanning in natural solar conditions. The lamps emit ultraviolet rays, illuminating the skin and causing an increased production of endorphins, so-called luck hormones.

Gimnastyka grupowa w basenie
Time: 20 Minute
Price: 25 Złoty

This treatment uses the hydrostatic pressure of water to increase vascular resistance and heart function. The buoyancy force of water allows you to perform exercises without any strain and has a positive effect on the locomotor, circulatory and respiratory systems. Exercises in water reduce muscle tension and increase joint mobility.

Gimnastyka grupowa kręgosłupa
Time: 20 Minute
Price: 20 Złoty

An exercise program recommended for everyone, regardless of age or level of physical activity. For people suffering from back pain, these classes will help reduce pressure on the vertebrae, the pain will be reduced, and the contracted muscle groups will be stretched and relaxed. In addition, properly selected exercises will strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, abdomen and back.

Gimnastyka grupowa oddechowa
Time: 20 Minute
Price: 20 Złoty

A set of breathing exercises aimed at increasing respiratory efficiency and achieving proper chest development.

Rytuał Rokitnikowy
Time: 75 Minute
Price: 329 Złoty

The sea buckthorn ritual is intended for the care of all types of skin, especially delicate and prone to irritation, based on sea buckthorn oil, which, thanks to its beneficial properties, has an extremely nourishing effect. The ritual is a combination of deep whole body peeling and a relaxing, harmonious whole body massage. The peeling perfectly cleanses the skin, leaving it soft and smooth, and the relaxing massage with sea buckthorn oil wonderfully relaxes tense muscles and nourishes the skin.

Baltic ritual
Time: 50 Minute
Price: 239 Złoty

Baltic ritual is a combination of peeling from the detoxication series with a delicate warming – humidifying massage on hot butter. Peeling removes dead skin and refreshes the body. The massage relaxes as well as supports the regeneration of the organism by means of excitation of circulation. Everyone needs deep cleaning and refreshing. The treatment will release the body from toxins and will clean it with refreshing and exciting flagrants.

Orient ritual
Time: 50 Minute
Price: 369 Złoty

The Orient ritual is luxury – aroma experience, combination of flaking off body peeling with massage of herbal stamps. The treatment humidifies, refreshes and relaxes the whole body. The peeling takes off dead skin, whereas the massage excites the circulation and increases metabolism. Delicately covers the body, and precious oils will assure long-term moisture, regenerate and will take care for the senses.

Rytuał Rozgrzewający - pomarańcza z chilli
Time: 75 Minute
Price: 329 Złoty

The conbination of techniques of relaxation massage and aromatherapy, one of the most pleasant methods of relaxation. A hot oil, used during the treatment helps to relax the muscular tension and additionally to achieve a condition of deep relaxation.

Brine bath
Time: 15 Minute
Price: 65 Złoty

The conbination of techniques of relaxation massage and aromatherapy, one of the most pleasant methods of relaxation. A hot oil, used during the treatment helps to relax the muscular tension and additionally to achieve a condition of deep relaxation.

Pearl bath
Time: 15 Minute
Price: 65 Złoty

The conbination of techniques of relaxation massage and aromatherapy, one of the most pleasant methods of relaxation. A hot oil, used during the treatment helps to relax the muscular tension and additionally to achieve a condition of deep relaxation.

Mineral Bath (Algae, Collagen, Rose)
Time: 20 Minute
Price: 85 Złoty

The conbination of techniques of relaxation massage and aromatherapy, one of the most pleasant methods of relaxation. A hot oil, used during the treatment helps to relax the muscular tension and additionally to achieve a condition of deep relaxation.

Masaż wirowy (kończyny górne)
Time: 15 Minute
Price: 35 Złoty

The conbination of techniques of relaxation massage and aromatherapy, one of the most pleasant methods of relaxation. A hot oil, used during the treatment helps to relax the muscular tension and additionally to achieve a condition of deep relaxation.

Masaż wirowy (kończyny dolne)
Time: 15 Minute
Price: 35 Złoty

The conbination of techniques of relaxation massage and aromatherapy, one of the most pleasant methods of relaxation. A hot oil, used during the treatment helps to relax the muscular tension and additionally to achieve a condition of deep relaxation.

Energizing Bath with Aromatherapy
Time: 15 Minute
Price: 75 Złoty

The conbination of techniques of relaxation massage and aromatherapy, one of the most pleasant methods of relaxation. A hot oil, used during the treatment helps to relax the muscular tension and additionally to achieve a condition of deep relaxation.

Physioactive Mud Bath
Time: 20 Minute
Price: 85 Złoty

The conbination of techniques of relaxation massage and aromatherapy, one of the most pleasant methods of relaxation. A hot oil, used during the treatment helps to relax the muscular tension and additionally to achieve a condition of deep relaxation.

Aroma-therapist massage with hot oil
Price: 120 Złoty

The conbination of techniques of relaxation massage and aromatherapy, one of the most pleasant methods of relaxation. A hot oil, used during the treatment helps to relax the muscular tension and additionally to achieve a condition of deep relaxation.

Price: 40 Złoty
Moustache or beard
Price: 15 Złoty
Moustache and beard
Price: 20 Złoty
Price: 60 Złoty
Price: 80 Złoty
Price: 80 Złoty
Price: 80 Złoty
Price: 80 Złoty
Price: 80 Złoty
Picture of sand

Mind and body harmony

Choose a deep relaxation of your body and mind in the Imperial Hotel. Massage of body or its parts, manual therapy, sauna, salt cave and relaxing rituals are waiting for you. A wide range of treatments in our Spa in Świnoujście ensures recreation throughout the year. Enjoy the peaceful surrounding and pleasant seaside climate. Find solace in the hotel relaxation zone, experience the magic of true relaxation and recharge your batteries for a long time. Imperial Hotel & Spa is a place where you can choose Spa treatments tailored to fit your needs.

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