Enchanted Christmas

Enchanted Christmas

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  3. Enchanted Christmas
Picture of sand
  • min. 2 nights
  • Breakfast and Dinner
The Christmas Enchanted Stay Package at the hotel is a magical journey to a world of childhood memories and family warmth. Immerse yourself in a festive atmosphere full of joy, love, and unforgettable moments that will stay in your heart forever.

The price includes:

  • At least two nights in comfortably furnished rooms.
  • Buffet breakfasts with a fitness corner.
  • Christmas buffet breakfasts |25.12 and 26.12.2024|.
  • Buffet dinners.
  • Festive Christmas Eve dinner |24.12.2024|.
  • Christmas buffet dinners |25 and 26.12.2024|.
  • Christmas gift.
  • Fairy morning |24.12.2024|.
  • Shared carol singing |24.12.2024|.
  • Christmas animations |25.12.2024|.
  • Bonfire with sausage roasting |25.12.2024|
  • Dancing evening |25.12.2024|
  • Morning Nordic Walking |26.12.2024|
  • Special extension offer.

Additionally available to Guests:

  • unlimited use of the swimming pool and sauna
  • use of the jacuzzi with hydromassage
  • free wireless internet
Food served

A reservation is required for Christmas Eve dinner, reservations will be accepted on 22 and 23.12.2024.

Guests arriving on 24.12.2024 are asked to contact us by phone on designated days at the number: +48 577 326 111.

Worth knowing

The hotel reserves the right to change the schedule.

Children up to 4 years old (sleeping with parents) stay free of charge but do not include additional services. These services are available for an extra fee.

Arrival: From 15:00
Departure: To 10:00
Children's regulation

Children up to 4 years of age stay free of charge if they sleep on their parents' bed. Children up to 13 years of age - 50% price (excluding packages calculated individually for individual age groups)

Animals regulation

Tylko w części apartamentów. 

Parking - information

Car park is extra paid - no advance space reservation is possible.

Cancelation conditions

You can cancel your reservation free of charge 30 days before your scheduled arrival. Resignation from the stay after this period is associated with the retention of the advance payment by the Hotel.

Methods of payments
Visa Visa Electron MasterCard Maestro

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Picture of sand
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