Base price list

Base price list

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  3. Base price list
Picture of sand
  • any length of stay
  • Breakfast
Basic price list

The offer includes:

  • accommodation in comfortable rooms or apartments
  • rich buffet breakfast
  • unlimited access to WiFi

Additionally available to Guests:

  • unlimited use of the pool and sauna
  • use of the jacuzzi with hydromassage
  • Wireless Internet

Breakfast offer

If you are interested in seaside stay offers and are looking for an option that offers great freedom and the ability to tailor activities to your preferences, a package with breakfast included is the perfect option. Plan your whole day according to your wishes, explore the surroundings, and in case of bad weather, take advantage of our indoor relaxation and Spa area. Choose a holiday on the Baltic Sea and visit Świnoujście!

Arrival: From 15:00
Departure: To 10:00
Children's regulation

Children up to 4 years of age stay free of charge if they sleep on their parents' bed. Children up to 13 years of age - 50% price (excluding packages calculated individually for individual age groups)

Animals regulation

Tylko w części apartamentów. 

Parking - information

Car park is extra paid - no advance space reservation is possible.

Cancelation conditions

This reservation can be cancelled without costs until 2 days before arrival. In such case the amount paid will be refunded within 7 days after cancellation was submitted. If cancellation is submitted after this time or guest will not show at all, the property will charge 30.00% of the reservation value. It is required to provide credit card information or make the payment of 30.00% of the reservation value to guarantee the reservation.

Methods of payments
Visa Visa Electron MasterCard Maestro

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Picture of sand
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